The following are a list of commanders that may be acquired by purchasing Black Diamonds then buying the packages when they come up for sale.
All commanders require the same amount of medals to improve their quality and commanders abilities. The following is the five levels and the amount of medals you will need to advance their quality:
1. Acquire (common level) - 10 Medals
2. Green (uncommon level) - 20 Medals
3. Blue (rare level) - 50 Medals
4. Purple (epic level) - 100 Medals
5. Gold ( legendary level) - 150 Medals
The total of medals needed to go from acquiring - gold is 330 medals. To find the medals of the Black Diamond commanders you will need wait on the packages that come up for sale, then buy that commanders package. This is the only way you can obtain the medals for these type of commanders. After you buy the first package they will offer another each containing a certain amount of medals to up the quality of your commander. Cost varies from one commander to another and it would seem the more popular ones cost more.
NOTE: The math for figuring out the approximate cost per character is easy we are going to use the formula of the first package as a base line.
15 medal package for 50 Black Diamonds = 15 medals for $5.00
Needed Medals 330 / 15 = 22 packages
Needed Packages 22 * $5.00 = $110.00
Math doesn't lie, figuring out the cost of the first package gives you the understanding of what you will need to do to take a commander from acquiring it to making it legendary. What they generally do is give you enough to acquire and a few more to make you want to spend more.
Now this doesn't include if a package goes on sale or you get more medals in the next one, this is just a way of figuring out how much money you might be spending to get one commander.
Example: Melisandre acquiring and leveling to purple is $60.00, (acquire was $1.00, green level $5.00, blue level $10.00, purple level $50.00) Compare to Cersei where her first package only had 6 medals and cost $80.00 and you don't have enough to get her yet.
The Key to a strong Commander development (for training ground or weirwood trials
is to raise QUALITY (collect medals)
before raising anything else.
Name: Andrea
Acquisition: The first package contains 15 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her with 5 towards the next level.
Type: Tank - Defensive
Class: Infantry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Infantry Attack, Health and Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Cersei Lannister
Acquisition: The first package contains 6 medals for 800 Black Diamonds = $80.00. This will not be enough to acquire her for you need at least 4 more medals.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Bowmen
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Health & Defense
WW Position: Back
TG Position: Back
Comments from Game:
Name: Daenerys Targaryen
Acquisition: The first package contains 6 medals for 800 Black Diamonds = $80.00. This will not be enough to acquire her for you need at least 4 more medals.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Spearmen
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Health & Defense
WW Position: Back
TG Position: Back
Comments from Game:
Name: Jaime Lannister
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire him.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Spearmen
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Spearmen Health and Defense
WW Position: Back
TG Position: Back
Comments from Game:
Name: Jon Snow
Acquisition: The first package contains 6 medals for 800 Black Diamonds = $80.00. This will not be enough to acquire him for you need at least 4 more medals.
Type: Tank - Attack & Defense
Class: Infantry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Defense, Attack & Health
WW Position: Front
TG Position: Front
Comments from Game:
Name: Kevin
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire him.
Type: Tank - Defense & Disable
Class: Cavalry
Economic Bonus: Training Speed
Military Bonus: Total Health & Total Attack
WW Position: Front
TG Position: Front
Comments from Game: Has a stun that is really useful in the training grounds.
Name: Laena Waters
Acquisition: The first package contains 15 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her with 5 towards the next level.
Type: Tank - Attack & Defense
Class: Cavalry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Cavalry Attack, Health & Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Leila Mormont
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her.
Type: Tank - Attack & Defense
Class: Cavalry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Cavalry Attack, Health & Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Margaery Tyrell
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her.
Type: Healer - Support & Healing
Class: Spearmen
Economic Bonus: Research Speed
Military Bonus: Total Attack & Health
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game: With her being on the battlefield, your troops will take less damage from the enemy and you also gain an increase in your Research Speed and Total Health and Attack.
Name: Melisandre
Acquisition: 1st to Acquire cost 1 black diamond = $1.00; 2nd to turn her green (20 medals) cost 50 black diamonds for = $5.00; 3rd to turn her blue (40 medals) cost 100 black diamonds for = $10.00; 4th to turn her purple (80 medals) cost 500 black diamonds for $50.00. Total so far $66.00
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Bowmen
Economic Bonus: Construction Speed
Military Bonus: Bowman Attack & Defense
WW Position: Back
TG Position: Back
Comments from Game: Really powerful and useful for battles.
Name: Meranda
Acquisition: The first package contains 15 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her with 5 medals towards the next level.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Spearmen
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Spearmen Attack, Health and Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Petyr Baelish
Acquisition: The first package contains 6 medals for 800 Black Diamonds = $80.00. This will not be enough to acquire him for you need at least 4 more medals.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Cavalry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Health & Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Raymond
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 35 Black Diamonds = $3.50. This will be enough to acquire him.
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Cavalry
Economic Bonus: Research Speed, Training Speed & Gold Production
Military Bonus: None
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Sandor Clegane
Acquisition: Black Diamond Package
Type: DPS - Area Attack
Class: Infantry
Economic Bonus: Training Speed
Military Bonus: Total Attack & Health
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Sinara
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire her.
Type: DPS - Single Target Attack
Class: Infantry
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Infantry Health & Defense
WW Position: Unknown
TG Position: Unknown
Comments from Game:
Name: Theon Greyjoy
Acquisition: The first package contains 10 medals for 50 Black Diamonds = $5.00. This will be enough to acquire him.
Type: DPS - Single Target Attack
Class: Bowmen
Economic Bonus: None
Military Bonus: Total Attack, Bowmen Health & Defense
WW Position: Back
TG Position: Back
Comments from Game:
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